We train the wide range of Versatile Hunting Dogs – dogs which are bred to point and retrieve.
Many hunters now want a dog that can do it all. That means pointing, retrieving, searching and all the tasks often performed by several dogs. These include the German Shorthair Pointer, the German Wirehaired Pointer, Weimeraners, Pudel Pointers, Brittany Spaniels and more. We train them to retrieve like a retriever and point solid. Your preference can be steady to wing, wing and shot, or wing, shot and fall. No matter your choice we will train your dog to retrieve the bird to hand, and search for dead birds.When we train Versatile Hunting Dogs there are 3 important components and the training period can be extended:
1. The Search – this is very important. Versatile hunting dogs will naturally hunt in front of you and although many have a wonderful natural distance and pattern, some may need some encouragement to hunt a correct range and pattern. We work on this by ensuring they succeed when they do it right.
2. The Point – all Versatile Hunting Dogs and all pointing dogs in general ( English Pointers and Setters ) point naturally. The training ensures they point staunchly and hold point until you release them. This reduces a lot of frustration in the field. Starting young helps and using lots of birds helps even more. In our training areas we have lots of Hungarian Partridge coveys which provide excellent opportunities for wild bird training. Your dog may already be ” creeping ” which is moving slowly toward the bird instead of holding point. This leads to early flushes and much anguish. We can stop the creeping with bird exposure and bench training. When done – ” whoa ” means whoa and you have the control you need for great shooting opportunities.
3. Retrieving – Versatile Hunting Dogs are often natural retrievers on land and on water. We make sure ” fetch ” and ” dead bird ” become commands fully understood to your dog. We train them no differently than the Retriever breeds.
1. The Search – this is very important. Versatile hunting dogs will naturally hunt in front of you and although many have a wonderful natural distance and pattern, some may need some encouragement to hunt a correct range and pattern. We work on this by ensuring they succeed when they do it right.
2. The Point – all Versatile Hunting Dogs and all pointing dogs in general ( English Pointers and Setters ) point naturally. The training ensures they point staunchly and hold point until you release them. This reduces a lot of frustration in the field. Starting young helps and using lots of birds helps even more. In our training areas we have lots of Hungarian Partridge coveys which provide excellent opportunities for wild bird training. Your dog may already be ” creeping ” which is moving slowly toward the bird instead of holding point. This leads to early flushes and much anguish. We can stop the creeping with bird exposure and bench training. When done – ” whoa ” means whoa and you have the control you need for great shooting opportunities.
3. Retrieving – Versatile Hunting Dogs are often natural retrievers on land and on water. We make sure ” fetch ” and ” dead bird ” become commands fully understood to your dog. We train them no differently than the Retriever breeds.